Amba White Granite is a multi-purpose granite ideal for the commercial and domestic environments lending itself to cladding, flooring, countertops and many other uses both exterior and interior plus it is frost resistant.
Medium-grained, white / cream / grey-veined with scattered clear crystals and some ruby/brown garnets. A clear epoxy resin filler may be used to give a smooth surface touch.
Slabs, tiles, prefabricated countertops/worktops, vanities, backsplashes, paving.
Polished, honed, leather/satin, river-washed/antique, thermal/flamed, flamed & brushed, water-jet, bush-hammered, sandblast and sawn finish.
It is possible that a sealant can be used on Amba White Granite, test first with a small sample.
Ambas White, Ambrosia White
Tamil Nadu, India.
Generic: Granite
Petrographic: Granulite
Full Container 24 tonnes. Processed in India.
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Eurasian Granites